范玮琪 - 一个像夏天一个像秋天 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

One Is Like Summer, One Is Like Autumn

The first time I met you I didn’t like you so much
Who knew that we became so close later?
We are just like summer and autumn respectively,
But there is always a way for us to turn winter into spring

You dragged me away from a snowstorm of love
I carried you out of the crack of dream
Encounter a person and the whole life changes
It turns out that is not just a plot of lovers

If it were not for you, I would not believe that
Friends are more loyal than lovers
Even if I am too busy in love and get you lonely as frozen in ice,
You will never hate me, just scold me a bit

If it were not for you, I wouldn’t be sure that
Friends are better listeners than lovers
The subtext of my words
My harsh words but without any bad intent
I cannot leave my darling, let alone you

You know everything that I’m proud of
And you usually dampen and make fun on this to keep me modest
You know everything that’s embarrassing to me
But you keep those secret to safeguard my good name
原始歌词 (Chinese)


第一次见面看你不太顺眼 谁知道后来关系那么密切
我们一个像夏天一个像秋天 却总能把冬天变成了春天

妳拖我离开一场爱的风雪 我背妳逃出一次梦的断裂
遇见一个人然后生命全改变 原来不是恋爱才有的情节

如果不是你我不会相信 朋友比情人还死心塌地
就算我忙恋爱 把你冷冻结冰
你也不会恨我 只是骂我几句

如果不是你我不会确定 朋友比情人更懂得倾听
我的弦外之音 我的有口无心

妳拖我离开一场爱的风雪 我背妳逃出一次梦的断裂
遇见一个人然后生命全改变 原来不是恋爱才有的情节

如果不是你我不会相信 朋友比情人还死心塌地
就算我忙恋爱 把你冷冻结冰
你也不会恨我 只是骂我几句

如果不是你我不会确定 朋友比情人更懂得倾听
我的弦外之音 我的有口无心

你了解我所有得意的东西 才常泼我冷水怕我忘形
你知道我所有丢脸的事情 却为我的美好形象保密

如果不是你我不会相信 朋友比情人还死心塌地
就算我忙恋爱 把你冷冻结冰
你也不会恨我 只是骂我几句

如果不是你我不会确定 朋友比情人更懂得倾听
我的弦外之音 我的有口无心