宇珩 - 依然是朋友 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Still Are Friends

The day before Valentine's Day, he left you
And you're still missing him today

That night I accompanied you, you cried for a whole night
Do you know that I'm missing him too

Till one day, I met him
in the coffee shop that we always go

Then only I know, there're some feelings that neither I nor he has ever told
What is hidden between us? No one but I know it
But you, what do you think? Will you leave me forever if you find out?
I'm upset too, how I hope that we've never known each other

Then only I know, there're some feelings that neither I nor he has ever said out
We are best friends. Who has the courage to say?
I don't care and don't feel sad anymore, we still have a big excuse
At the end of the story, we didn't lose anything
We are still friends
原始歌词 (Chinese)


情人节的前一天 他离开你身边

那一夜我陪著你 你哭了一整夜
你是否知道 我对他一样很想念

直到有一天 我和他碰面
在那间 我们常去的咖啡店

才知道有些感受 我和他谁都不曾说出口
我们之间隐藏了什么 除了我自己没人懂
可是你 你怎么说 你知道后是不是从此避开我 oh~
我一样难过 多希望我们不曾相识过

才知道有些感受 我和他谁都不曾说出口
我们都是最好的朋友 谁会有勇气去开口
不再哭 不再难过 我们还有好大好大的天空 ho~
故事的最后 我们都不曾失去过 什么