山河令 - 缘灭 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Affinity Extinguished

Feelings in a tangle, without regard for love or grudges
Only wishing that you would not speak of separation
Wholeheartedly thinking of spending this mortal life hand in hand with you
Living like this

Mortal affinity and meetings are not within our control
Walking through the wrong doors in helpless infatuation
You and I will forever be linked by fate
But the jianghu forbids our love

We would exist together, in the far reaches of the earth
Never to reenter the jianghu in this life
If there is a next life, I will surely not fail my spouse again
Through these bloody winds and rains, only anticipating the next sunset

How many bonds of gratitude and grudges are there?
You and I can never be free of them
A single word, 'jianghu', cost us our spirits
How cruel, when love has already taken root

Mortal affinity and meetings are not within our control
Walking through the wrong doors in helpless infatuation
You and I will forever be linked by fate
But the jianghu forbids our love

We would exist together, in the far reaches of the earth
Never to reenter the jianghu in this life
If there is a next life, I will surely not fail my spouse again
Through these bloody winds and rains, only anticipating the next sunset

Mortal affinity and meetings are not within our control
Walking through the wrong doors in helpless infatuation
You and I will forever be linked by fate
But the jianghu forbids our love

We would exist together, in the far reaches of the earth
Never to reenter the jianghu in this life
If there is a next life, I will surely not fail my spouse again
Through these bloody winds and rains, only anticipating the next sunset
原始歌词 (Chinese)


心事纠缠 不念爱恨
只愿你能 不说离分
一心只想 与你携手这红尘

缘聚红尘 不由身
你我皆是 有缘人

愿天涯海角 共存
此生 不踏江湖门
若有来生 定不再负卿
血雨腥风只盼 再黄昏

恩怨情仇 有几分

缘聚红尘 不由身
你我皆是 有缘人

愿天涯海角 共存
此生 不踏江湖门
若有来生 定不再负卿
血雨腥风只盼 再黄昏

缘聚红尘 不由身
你我皆是 有缘人

愿天涯海角 共存
此生 不踏江湖门
若有来生 定不再负卿
血雨腥风只盼 再黄昏