华晨宇 - Here We Are 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Here We Are

The more indecisive I am
the farther away the future drifts from my desires
In intertwined space and time
my soul careens downward faster and faster

Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Dreams end and fade into oblivion

In my dreams, all of time, space, and reality shift
Sometimes bright, sometimes dark. Nothing is within reach
I stand on the mountaintop
praying to the night sky as if God exists

A shooting star streaks across the heavens
through constellations and breaking clouds
but I completely miss seeing it
My wish is simple
may there be peace on earth, amen

In the concrete jungle, there's hardly
a moment of tranquility, only constant commotion
This soul is forgotten and looks tattered

But please, don't be apathetic, extend your arms
Give each other a warm hug and don't be silent
It has nothing to do with gains and losses or right and wrong
This kind of courage has always been ours

Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Dreams end and fade into oblivion

Looking ahead, the darkness is so intimidating
Despite my fear, I keep striding forward
The night will soon be over
Everything will awaken when spring arrives

Leave behind the recklessness, stubbornness, and refusal to change
and withstand the influence of materialism
I want to keep my original aspirations alive
and hold fast to the same ideals

Sadly, many of my initial plans,
effort that was spent, and promises that were made
have all turned to dust and are gone with the wind

Looking back, I study the scenes that have passed along the way
and I make adjustments to myself until I am satisfied
The heavens have given me the encouragement I need
to speak from my heart

Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Dreams end and fade into oblivion

Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh

I must not linger, waiting for something to happen
I must not look for excuses, tying my own hands
If I want to be a winner and prove myself,
then now is the time

If I don't want to be weak, then I must stand up tall and strong as I look ahead
This way, the future will become brighter
Continual improvement is my stance
I can hardly stand the wait

From the beginning until now
I've never stopped, never settled
never fallen back, never conceded, never followed the crowd

I've never paused, I've kept my dreams alive
I push forward, keeping my spirits high,
bravely taking every step,
and awakening the pride in my heart

I must not linger, waiting for something to happen
If I don't know everything about the present, then so be it
If I can't see the future,
then I'll redefine it so it starts from now

If I want to win, then I must hurry
The time to prove myself is right now
Every time I look out the window
staring at the river bank on the other side
I want to make this time mine

Dawn is just breaking, I've got to keep my spirits up
Summoning up my courage, I push my worries away
Focusing all my strength,
I break through bottlenecks and set my master plan in motion

I make every single day
a new beginning, a new revolution
I can hardly stand the wait
I want to change my status quo

Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Dreams end and fade into oblivion

My dreams have never changed
原始歌词 (Chinese, English)

Here We Are


Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are

梦变换 时空现实里
忽明忽暗 难以触碰
我站在 山最顶端
向夜空祈祷 如有神明

这流星 划过天际
雨后放晴 跨过星云
没有 太多诉求
愿大地和平 咪呢嘛呢

片刻安宁 在轰鸣
这心灵 被遗弃 似疮痍

但是别 再要冷漠 举起双手
热情相拥 别再太沉默
勇气 一直在的

Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are

看前方 夜固若金汤
饱受惊慌 持续成长
很急速 过了一夜
春风来临 万物生长

改掉以前的莽撞 固执抵抗
偏要承受 物质的绑票
想要 不忘初心
有过的理想 依然坚信

很难过 当初默认
所有努力 做的承诺
却沦为 化成风 一场空

回头看 再次审阅 一路风景
做个矫正 直到我满意
老天 给了我鼓励

Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are

Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh

不能再 徘徊著等待
找借口说 迫于无奈
想赢就 要赶快证明
我自己 就趁现在

不愿做 弱者就用 强者姿态
面对未来 让我更期待

从开始 再到现在
都不停留 从不平庸
不懈怠 不服输 不从众

没停歇 梦的保留 我心存梦
快往前走 打消这疲态
唤醒 心中豪迈

不能再徘徊 别再等待
听不到现实 是多无奈


不要担心 用我的全力
打破瓶颈 开始大计划

新开始 新革命

Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are
