华晨宇(Hua Chenyu)

华晨宇(Hua Chenyu)
网站: weibo.cn
维基: Wikipedia


歌曲 歌词翻译
Dear Friend Dear Friend (English)
For Forever 永恒 (中文)
Here We Are Here We Are (English)
Let you go Let You Go (English)
To Be Free To Be Free (English)
白天不懂夜的黑 [Daytime won't understand dark night] The Day Does Not Understand the Darkness of Night (English)
不朽 [Immortal] Immortal (English)
趁你还年轻 [While you are still young] While you are still young (English)
当全世界忘了我 When the Whole World Forgets Me (English)
地球之盐 [Salt Of The Earth] The Salt Of The Earth (English)
点燃银河尽头的篝火 Light the Bonfire at the End of the Milky Way (English)
斗牛 [BULLFIGHT] Bullfighting (English)
飞行模式 Airplane Mode (English)
飞行指挥家 Take Flight (English)
疯人院 [Madhouse] Madhouse (English)
蜉蝣 [The Mayfly] Mayfly (English)
光年之外 [Light years away] LIGHT YEARS AWAY (English)
国王与乞丐 [Kings and Paupers] Kings and Beggars (English)
孩子 [Child] Child- By Chenyu Hua (English)
寒鸦少年 [Jackdaw boy] Jackdaw Boy (English)
好想爱这个世界啊 [I want to love this world] Oh, How I Want to Love This World (English)
好想我回来啊 Oh, How I Want My Old Self Back (English)
黑白艺术家 Black and White Artist (English)
横冲直撞 [The Rampage] The Rampage (English)
花落时相遇 Meet When the Flowers Fall (English)
环游 (Traveling) Traveling (English)
荒野魂斗罗 [Wild Contra] Wild Contra (English)
假行僧 [Fake Monk] Fake Monk (English)
降临 [Arrival] Arrival (English)
巨鹿 [Giant Deer] Giant Deer (JULU) (English)