华晨宇 - Let you go 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Let You Go

If it's not the end
Then let me keep wandering
If the last moment has not arrived
Then let me keep enduring
If the gale cannot sweep away
The lingering thought in my heart
Then let me hold it and sink down to the torrent of time

If there is still happiness
Then bury it in the forgotten desert
If there is still sorrow
Then toss it down the mountain of despair

What hasn’t been swept away?
It's enough to be left with its shadow
As my companion in loneliness

Let you go
Stay away from me
I am not a body that feels passively
Nothing can take my freedom away

Let you go
Don't hinder me
I am already on my way to eternity
I will not back off

Let you go
Stay away from me
I only live to seek the truth
Nothing can manipulate how I choose

Let you go
Don't hinder me
I only want to burn and I don't care about falling down

Let you go
Don't let my ego get rescued

Let you go
Let you go
Let you go
Let you go
Go~let you go
Go~let you go
原始歌词 (Chinese)

Let you go

还不是尽头 就让我继续游走
还没到最后 就让我继续忍受
若是狂风带不走 残留胸口的念头
抱着它沉入时间 的洪流
还有快乐就 埋进遗忘的沙漠
还有哀愁都 抛下绝望的山丘
还有什么没卷走 留下影子就足够
在孤独里头 陪着我
Let you go 别靠近我
我不是 被动感受的躯壳
没什么 能够夺走 我自由
Let you go别阻挡我
我已经 走在永恒的路上
Let you go 别靠近我
我只为 寻找到真实而活
没什么 能够操纵 我选择
Let you go 别阻挡我
我只要 燃烧不在乎陨落
Let you go 别让自我 被拯救
Let you go
Let you go
Let you go
Let you go
Go~let you go
Go~let you go