华晨宇 - 趁你还年轻 [While you are still young] 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

While you are still young

While you don't need to think everything over and over again
While you haven't understood why you sigh
While you haven't learned to affectedly prove yourself
You can be whatever you want to be

You may not believe it, you may not be aware of it
How many people envy you envying you being young
The world belongs to you only because you are young
You should make your time count since you can't get time back

Do you know what the reason is that some people envy you
Only because they were once young
Do you know what the point is that some people are jealous of you
Just because they couldn't make their time count

While you don't need to think everything over and over again
While you haven't understood why you sigh
While you haven't learned to affectedly prove yourself
You can be whatever you want to be

You may not believe it, you may not be aware of it
How many people envy you envying you being young
The world belongs to you only because you are young
You should make your time count since you can't get time back

Do you know what the reason is that some people envy you
Only because they were once young
Do you know what the point is that some people are jealous of you
Just because they couldn't make their time count

While you don't need to think everything over and over again
While you haven't understood why you sigh
While you haven't learned to affectedly prove yourself
You can be whatever you want to be
原始歌词 (Chinese)

趁你还年轻 [While you are still young]

趁你还不知道 为什么叹气

也许你不相信 你也许你没留意
有多少人羡慕你 羡慕你年轻
这世界属于你 只因为你年轻
你可得要抓得紧 回头不容易

你可知道什么原因 有人羡慕你
只因为他们曾经也 年轻
你可明白什么道理 有人嫉妒你
只因为他们不能 抓得紧

趁你还不知道 为什么叹气

也许你不相信 你也许你没留意
有多少人羡慕你 羡慕你年轻
这世界属于你 只因为你年轻
你可得要抓得紧 回头不容易

你可知道什么原因 有人羡慕你
你可明白什么道理 有人嫉妒你
只因为他们不能 抓得紧

趁你还不知道 为什么叹气