华晨宇 - 点燃银河尽头的篝火 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Light the Bonfire at the End of the Milky Way

Forget the worries that surround you
Let's pick up the pace and run towards the enchanting beauty of the galaxy
Wohh ~ Ohh~
Laughing freely we throw ourselves into infinite time
Becoming a lazy star in the sky
Dancing on the outskirts of town
Stars and grass make up this boundless space
Wohh ~ Ohh~
The earth is so small, like a lonely island
Who would want to grow old here?

When mankind forever contentedly floats in space
Who will take the chance to drift away and chase a comet?
That bonfire at the end of the Milky Way
Ignites the whole universe

Dance, in this enormous galaxy
Drink, losing ourselves in the magnitude of this beauty
Fly, in search of a red shooting star
Let's... laugh

Stars ignite all at once
Reminding us to leave this silent planet
Wohh ~ Ohh~
Even in the midst of a throng of people I can see clearly...
A bright and sparkling universe
Allow our hearts to lift off from the surface
so we can find the energy to rise higher
Wohh ~ Ohh~
Making friends may feel awkward, but it's better than traveling alone
Don't allow stubbornness to follow you into old age

Although mankind revolves around this planet
I would rather drift away and chase a comet
That bonfire at the end of Milky Way
Ignites the whole universe

Dance, in this enormous galaxy
Drink, losing ourselves in the magnitude of this beauty
Fly, in search of a red shooting star
Let's... laugh

Dance, in this enormous galaxy
Drink, losing ourselves in the magnitude of this beauty
Fly, in search of a red shooting star
Let's... dream
原始歌词 (Chinese)


忘掉 天空烦扰
Wohh ~ Ohh~
放肆地欢笑 撞进亿万岁月里
做颗悠然 的星宿
荒郊 之中舞蹈
星辰野草 造处无边的天地
Wohh ~ Ohh~
这地球太小 像座环行的孤岛

当人类 悬浮到不朽
有谁愿 追随彗星漂流
那篝火 在银河尽头
点燃宇宙 Ohh~ Ohh~ Ohh~

跳吧 在无比 宏大 的星系 Ohh HU HA HEI HOO
喝吧 要沉迷 洪荒 的美丽 Ohh HU HA HEI HOO
飞吧 去寻觅 红色 的流星 Ohh

提醒我们 告别沉寂的天体
Wohh ~ Ohh~
在拥挤人潮 我也清晰地看到
一座 斑斓的 宇宙
让心 离开地表
才能找到 盘旋爬升的动力
Wohh ~ Ohh~
夸张些拥抱 好过孤单地旅行

但人类 都环绕星球
我更愿 追随彗星漂流
那篝火 在银河尽头
点燃宇宙 Ohh~ Ohh~ Ohh~

跳吧 在无比 宏大 的星系 Ohh HU HA HEI HOO
喝吧 要沉迷 洪荒 的美丽 Ohh HU HA HEI HOO
飞吧 去寻觅 红色 的流星 Ohh
让我们 笑吧

跳吧 在无比 宏大 的星系 Ohh HU HA HEI HOO
喝吧 要沉迷 洪荒 的美丽 Ohh HU HA HEI HOO
飞吧 去寻觅 红色 的流星 Ohh