华晨宇 - 好想我回来啊 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Oh, How I Want My Old Self Back

I am about to speak, but I fall back into silence
This world is mysterious, yet stark
What should I do, so that the new future can fulfill its promises?
Hiding in a corner would only make me more anxious

Too many people, in the name of love, are rushing to my realm
Their words have pierced my heart

Too many fairy tale dreams have appeared in my memory
They are the only thread this heart is hanging by

I used to be
Pessimistic, lonely, regretful, miserable, longing, weary, restless, apprehensive
Unruffled, relieved, calm, talkative, hopeful, optimistic, resolute, brave
Half clear, half confused Half easy, half hard
None of it, none of it, is because of you

Full of so many thoughts, I stand among the crowd, at a loss
No big deal, loneliness is what's behind all these masks
I have my ways, and I treat everyone well, even if they're not on my side
Please don't ask why I would choose to live like this yet again

Too many people, in the name of love, are rushing to my realm
Their words have pierced my heart

Too many fairy tale dreams appear in my memory
They are the only thread this heart is hanging by

I used to be
Pessimistic, lonely, regretful, miserable, longing, weary, restless, apprehensive
Unruffled, relieved, calm, talkative, hopeful, optimistic, resolute, brave
Half clear, half confused Half easy, half hard
None of it, none of it, is because of you

If I am
Pessimistic, lonely, regretful, miserable, longing, weary, restless, apprehensive
Unruffled, relieved, calm, talkative, hopeful, optimistic, resolute, brave
Half clear, half confused Half easy, half hard
Even if, even if, it's because of you
Yet I, will look ahead
原始歌词 (Chinese)


我想说 却在开口的时候变沉默
这世界 又神秘又赤裸
我该要怎么做 新的未来才会兑现承诺
躲在角落 会让人更焦灼

那些只言片语戳中我的心 HA〜

就像唯一稻草勒住我的心 HA〜

悲观 孤单 遗憾 不堪 感叹 疲倦 辗转 难安
看淡 释然 放慢 长谈 期盼 远看 了断 勇敢
一半 明白 一半 混乱 一半 简单 一半 很难
全都 全都 与你无关

想太多 站在人群之中茫然失措
没什么 面具下都寂寞
我有我的节奏 善待所有哪怕不属于我
请别再说 你何必这样活

那些只言片语戳中我的心 HA〜

就像唯一稻草勒住我的心 HA〜

悲观 孤单 遗憾 不堪 感叹 疲倦 辗转 难安
看淡 释然 放慢 长谈 期盼 远看 了断 勇敢
一半 明白 一半 混乱 一半 简单 一半 很难
全都 全都 与你无关

悲观 孤单 遗憾 不堪 感叹 疲倦 辗转 难安
看淡 释然 放慢 长谈 期盼 远看 了断 勇敢
一半 明白 一半 混乱 一半 简单 一半 很难
就算 就算 与你有关
但我 会向前看