罗大佑 - 之乎者也 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Zhi Hu Zhe Ye (Literary Jargon)

Knowing it is regarded as knew it. Care about those things that (common people) did not care about.
Who is this person? This person is the venerable Master Confucius.
Knowing it, (but he regarded it as) not knowing it. Everything, (he) all did not care about them.
Who is this person? This person is Monk Han Shan.
Not knowing it, but he pretended he knew it. He cared about those things that people did not care.
Who is this person? It is the Qi person.

Long time ago, our ancestors all once said something like this.
Long time ago, our ancestors all once said something like this.
Now, listen to our youth; what are they talking about?
However, you have to take a look: What on earth do you want them to do?

Scissors are waiting it
; (hair is like) a bowl of clear soup with noodles hanging down on the face.
Revere teachers and respect the way, there is nothing more than this.
Wind, flower, snow and moon; crashing sound and crashing sound;
Those so called folk songs, whether or not they all are like this?

zhi1 zhi1 zhi1 zhi1 zhi1
hu1 hu1 hu1 hu1 hu1
zhe3 zhe3 zhe3 zhe3 zhe3
ye3 ye3 ye3 ye3 ye3

Long time ago, our ancestors all once said something like this.
Long time ago, our ancestors all once said something like this.
Now, listen to our youth; what are they singing about?
However, you have to think: What on earth do you want them to do?

(Only) open one eye; mouth randomly shouts;
Cover up ears; everyone all will be happy.
Everyone all knows it; everyone all cares.
Those who watch with folded arms
are — you and me.
原始歌词 (Chinese)


知之为知之 在乎不在乎
此人何其者 孔老夫子也
知之为不知 在在不在乎
此人何其者 寒山子是也
不知为知之 不在乎在乎
此人何其者 齐人是也


剪刀等待之 清汤挂面乎
尊师重道者 莫过如此也
风花雪月之 哗啦啦啦乎
所谓民歌者 是否如此也



眼睛睁一只 嘴巴呼一呼
耳朵遮一遮 皆大欢喜也
大家都知之 大家都在乎
袖手旁观者 你我是也