歌词翻译 (中文 → 英文)
Kings and Beggars
What happened? What happened?
A love has lost its luster
Facing it or hiding from it
The pain is relentless no matter what I do
I thought our love was as solid as a rock
but it shattered instantly instead
Don't tell me I have to keep sculpting and polishing my own heartache
While I had you in my arms, I was richer than any king
How happy I once was
Since I lost you, I'm poorer than a beggar
The pain cuts so deep
Who's crying? Who's smiling?
One person is playing two different roles
The more I hold on, the more the heartache destroys me
My memories are still fanning the flames
I knew if we kept going we'd eventually crash and burn
so I retreated into loneliness full of regret
What is left of love after it all ends?
While I had you in my arms, I was richer than any king
How happy I once was
Since I lost you, I am poorer than a beggar
The pain cuts so deep
When everything is over and calm, and it's all in the past
why does every fiber of my being still refuse to let go?
Is there anyone who knows how I feel?
In my memory, I was richer than any king
How extravagant that happiness was
Since I lost you, I'm poorer than a beggar
Grief cuts through my heart like a knife
I remember those times when you were quietly by my side
We squandered our love away in the most beautiful and tender moments
How happy the love was then
How piercing the pain is now
How piercing the pain is now