马列托主义者(Mǎliè tuō zhǔyì zhě)


歌曲 歌词翻译
2021 2121 2221 2021, 2121, 2221 (English)
MAKE... 让… (中文)
盎格鲁撒克逊 Anglo-Saxon (English)
巴斯提狱 Bastille (English)
百姓:这鸡蛋真难吃 People: The egg tastes awful. (English)
北亚墨利加洲盎格鲁凯尔特族资产阶级革命派废除盎撒民族与英语以实现大脑升级之歌 Song of North American Anglo-Celtic Bourgeois Revolutionaries To Obsolete Anglo-Saxon and its Language in Order to Upgrade Brains (English)
卜算子 Bu Suan Zi•The Wind and the Rain have brought spring back (English)
“博学”的大纪元 "Learned" Epoch Times (English)
厂长书记漂洋过海 Manager and Secretary Are Overseas (English)
丑陋的美国人是。。。 Ugly Americans (English)
从摩诃至那到亚墨利加 Between China and America (English)
寸光(嘉然小姐的狗) I want to be Miss Diana's dog (English)
大米白面经济犯 He Who Eats Rice or Flour Will Be Arrested as an Economic Criminal (English)
帝国主义与语言 Imperialism and Languages (English)
电力工人的七种死法 Seven Ways to Kill an Electric Worker (English)
读《红色赌盘》有感 After reading Red Roulette (English)
对普罗来说,7月4号意味着什么? To Proletarians, What does July 4 mean? (English)
俄罗斯,法克鱿! Fuck You, Russia! (English)
二二八处委会告全国同胞书 Report to national compatriots from the committee of handling the incident on 2/28/1947 (English)
二字谣:天明 Two-Charactered Chant: Dawning (English)
法轮功与现在的共青团中央的关系 The relationship between Fa Lungong and the present-day Central Committee of CYLC (English)
粉红就是太君 Tiny Pinkies Equal Japs (English)
粉红、自由派、马克思主义者 Tiny Pinky vs Liberalist vs Marxist (English)
改革春风吹满地, 你去摸着石头 Breeze of the Reform blows Everywhere, You Feel the Stone (English)
共产党待我恩重如山 The CPC is my benefactor (English)
工农复仇歌 Song of Proletarian Vengeance (English)
《工人诗歌》广告词 Advertisement of Workers' Poetry (English)
狗神 Dog God (English)
蛤蟆爱吃毛毛虫 Toads love eating worms (English)
好家伙 Holy Shit! (English)