National Anthems & Patriotic Songs

National Anthems & Patriotic Songs
维基: Wikipedia


歌曲 歌词翻译
Alaska's Flag 阿拉斯加的旗帜 (中文)
America the Beautiful 美丽的亚美利加 (中文)
American National Anthem - The Star-Spangled Banner 美国国歌———星条旗 (中文)
Antigua and Barbuda National Anthem - Fair Antigua, We Salute Thee 美丽的安提瓜,我们向您致敬 (中文)
Australian National Anthem - Advance Australia Fair 澳大利亚,前进 (中文)
Beiyang Fleet, Anthem of the - 北洋海军军歌 Anthem of the Beiyang Fleet (English)
British National Anthem - God Save the King [Bilingual Version] 天佑国王 (中文)
British National Anthem - God Save the Queen 天佑女王 (中文)
Canadian National Anthem – O Canada [English Version] 哦,加拿大! (中文)
Chinese National Anthem (1913-1915) - 卿云歌 Song to the Auspicious Cloud (English)
Chinese National Anthem (1915-1921) - 中华雄立宇宙间 China Heroically Stands in the Universe (English)
Chinese National Anthem - 义勇军进行曲 [毛主义版本] March of the Volunteers [Maoist Version] (English)
Chinese Unification Promotion Party's Anthem - 保卫大中华 Chinese Unification Promotion Party's Anthem (English)
Eighth Route Army, Military Anthem of the - 八路军军歌 Military Anthem of the Eighth Route Army (English)
Fijian National Anthem God bless Fiji (English version) 上帝保佑斐济 (中文)
Filipino National Anthem - Chosen Land (Commonwealth Era) 菲律宾国歌(美国殖民地时期) - 天选之地 (中文)
Grenada, National Anthem of - Hail Grenada! 欢呼祖国格林纳达 (中文)
Liberian National Anthem 为利比里亚欢呼! (中文)
Mauritius, National Anthem of - Motherland 祖国 (毛里求斯) (中文)
Micronesian National Anthem - Patriots of Micronesia 密克罗尼西亚的爱国者 (中文)
National Anthem of South Sudan - South Sudan Oyee! 南苏丹万岁! (中文)
National Anthem of Trinidad and Tobago (Forged from the Love of Liberty) 以自由之爱铸成 (中文)
National Anthem of the Marshall Islands - Forever Marshall Islands 永远的马绍尔群岛 (中文)
New Zealand National Anthem - Aotearoa/God Defend New Zealand 纽西兰的国歌 - 天佑新西兰 (中文)
Nigerian National Anthem (1960-1978) — Nigeria, We Hail Thee 尼日利亚,我们赞扬你 (中文)
Oh Uganda, Land of Beauty 啊!乌干达,美丽之地 (中文)
Olympic Anthem of Taiwan - 台湾奥运国歌 Olympic Anthem of Taiwan (English)
Papua New Guinean National Anthem - O Arise, All You Sons 啊,起来,祖国全体儿女 (中文)
Rhodesia, National Anthem of (1974-79) - Rise, O Voices of Rhodesia 罗德西亚国歌(1974-1979)——扬起罗得西亚的声音 (中文)
Saint Lucia, National Anthem of - Sons and Daughters of Saint Lucia 圣卢西亚的子女 (中文)