军歌(Chinese Military, Communist & Patriotic Songs)

军歌(Chinese Military, Communist & Patriotic Songs)
维基: Wikipedia


歌曲 歌词翻译
啊朋友再见 Goodbye My Friend (English)
八路军军歌 Song of 18 G.A. of the National Revolutionary Army (English)
草原上的红卫兵见到了毛主席 Red Guards From The Steppes Beheld Chairman Mao (English)
长城谣 Chant of Great Wall (English)
乘胜追击 Chase after Victory (English)
大刀进行曲 Broadsword March (English)
大海航行靠舵手 Sailing the seas depends on the helmsman (English)
大执法 Great Law-executor (English)
当那一天来临 If the Day Should Come (English)
地道战 Tunnel war (English)
地拉那–北京 Tirana-Beijing (English)
东方红 The East is Red (English)
东方又红了 The East is Red Again (English)
鄂伦春马队在密林 Oroqen cavalry in the midwood (English)
分清敌友 Distinguish Between an Enemy and a Friend (English)
钢铁洪流进行曲 March of a Torrent of Steel (English)
歌八百壮士(中国一定强) / Gē bābǎi zhuàngshì China Must Be Strong (English)
歌唱二小放牛郎 Ode to the Cowherd Wang Erxiao (English)
革命不是请客吃饭 A revolution is not a dinner party (English)
工农兵,革命路上打先锋 Workers, Peasants and Soldiers - Vanguards on the Road of Revolution (English)
工农赤军横吹曲 Red Army's march (English)
共青团员之歌 Song of the Communist Youth League of China (English)
国民革命歌 Song of the National Revolution (English)
哈瓦那的孩子 The Havana Child (English)
华沙曲 Warszawianka (English)
假如战争今天爆发 Should the War Burst Out Today (English)
蒋公纪念歌 Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Song (English)
接过雷锋的枪 Take Lei Feng's Gun (English)
敬祝毛主席万寿无疆 Sincere Wishes for a Long Life to Chairman Mao (English)
军民大生产 Civilian-Military Grand Production (English)